EENCE CE week has started! Day 1- The Republic of Armenia
19 events opened the program of the Week of Citizenship Education 2021. Presentations and master classes, discussions and training coursestrainings were held on October 11 by educators and experts from Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Russia.
The Republic of Armenia was honored to open of the Week.
Narine Teknejyan, representative of the “Youth is Power” NGO, which coordinates the Week in Armenia, comments on the results of the first day:
– “Armenia has presented discussion, workshop and training courses on different topics.
Discussion was about “Specifics and challenges of Citizenship Education in Armenia”.

Discussion brought into the center different points.
Governmental sector, particularly Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia on behalf of the advisor of the international relations, Tigran Mughnetsyan and Non-Governmental sector behalf of Diana Mlhamyan, who is a project manager at Restart Foundation for Science and Education.

This allows the discussion to be challenging, diverse and interesting.
Workshop gathered participants within a topic of “Collaborative Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age”.

Workshop was led by Anna Gevorgyan (EduCare Educational Foundation/ Էդուկարէ).

It was quite interactive and participatory. The workshop has explored the theoretical underpinnings behind collaborative learning and how these have (or have not) changed in the rapid shift to digital education caused by COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.

It has provided the principles for effective collaborative teaching and learning towards developing deeper and more meaningful approaches to learning in general and lifelong learning skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, team work, and communication. And last but not least it has provided digital instructional tools and strategies for organizing effective collaborative teaching and learning practices.
Workshop involved participants from Armenia, Ukraine and Georgia.
Training was dedicated to “Local environmental challenges: the Armenian case”.
Participants of the workshop got basic and complex perception about the main reasons why we all need to become more and more eco-friendly citizens right now.

They got a glance on specific problems Armenia has in this field, what are the ongoing environmental projects there, who are “Eco Waste” and how their experience can be exported.

Trainer Vahe Salahyan (Էկո աղբ / Eco Waste Awesome Nature Armenia ) has shared couple of joyful tools how can one assess his/her ecological foot-print on the planet, automatically outlining the steps to take on for reducing the negative impact. The training was summed up with concluding test-format questions.

All activities were interactive, participatory, professional, useful and interesting as participants stated in their feedback.
Participants of mentioned events were from Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Russia and Germany”.
EENCE Citizenship Education Week “Art of living online” will be held from 11-17 of October, 2021.
7 days, 7 countries and 111 events, activities both online and offline.
THE GOAL of the Week is to build a loyal attitude towards Citizenship Education providers through demonstrating their potential and popularizing the best Citizenship Education practices in the region.
The Citizenship Education Week is organized by a consortium of organizations and experts from the East European Network of Citizenship Education (EENCE).
The events of the Week are supported by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.
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День Азербайджана продолжил Неделю гражданского образования
День Грузии прошёл в рамках Недели гражданского образования
Day 5 of Citizenship Education Week: Moldova