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Title of Event

Mural about histirical heritage of the city

Event Form

Event organizer

Autonomous non-governmental organization "Caucasus Urban Lab"

Link to a site or other electronic resource of an organization/initiative

Event target group


Event topic

Event Date and Time

11.10.2021, 10:00 - 19:00

Address at which the event will be held

Stavropol Gvardeiskaia st 8

Event Country

Event language/languages

Expected results of the event

Художниками будет создан мурал, цель которого – привлечение общественности города к важности исторической застройке и ее сохранения. Мурал будет сделан на здании, которому больше 150 лет

Name and Surname of the contact person

Anastasia Fedoryuk


Registration link