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Title of Event

Resilience Measures to Save and Create Jobs in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges for Civic Education Providers

Event Form

Event organizer

Tiraspol State University

Link to a site or other electronic resource of an organization/initiative

Event target group

, ,

Event topic

Event Date and Time

15.10.2021, 12.30 - 13.30 (+3GMT Minsk, Moscow)

Address at which the event will be held

Online Zoom

Event Country

Event language/languages

Expected results of the event

Выявление влияния пандемии COVID-19 на рынок труда: увольнения, миграции, обучение, перепрофилирование. Анализ положительных и отрицательных эффектов сочетания цифровой и традиционной форм деятельности.

Name and Surname of the contact person

Liliana Posțan


Registration link